Monday, January 24, 2011


I don't know if anyone else recognizes the buffoonery ( I don't even know if that's a word but it sounds so fitting ) that is constantly displayed by this rapper guy called fifty cent. Dude is having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that his "reign on the top was short like leprechauns". Since his talents have subsided (it was more hype than talent anyway) he has constantly tried to get shine off of "beef" with other rappers, or whomever he can find to give him the time of day, just so the fans will pay his washed up ass some attention. He has made himself hip hop's official court jester, stooping to the level of recording "telephone gangster" videos, because no one is interested in his music. Don't get it twisted, son is caked out but I think he's more obsessed with fame as opposed to money, cause obviously it couldn't buy that nigga happiness. If this dude was comfortable in his own skin, he wouldn't care less about what the next nigga was doin. And for tall those that wanna co-sign this dude's street cred, remember this is the same dude that went to the cops when them Murda Inc. niggas poked his ass & whooped him out at the Hit Factory back in the day, fast foward to now, he wanna capitalize off of an issue that World Star Hip Hop has (that he has absolutely nothing to do with) & relate it to a pending "LAW SUIT" that he has with them. Now last time I checked, when you go to any type of authorities & tell them that some other individuals are not acting in your best interest, so you wanna persue legal action against them, sounds like a "RAT" to me.............but what can I say, once a rat, always a rat. Funny thing is that a lot of you "fans" out there act like this clown wrote the  thug manual & that everything that come out his mouth is the realest shit you ever heard, just cause he got shot 9 times (I guess that solidifies his gangster). C'mon Son, get the f**k outta here with that bullshit, niggas get shot in the hood everyday, bigger than that, niggas get killed by slugs that wasmeant for somebody else everyday, as well. This dude is just mad cause 40-42 year old Puff & Hov are still relevant after 15+ years in the game & he ain't barely makin it to 10. This nigga is WACK, point blank period. Oh & if you wanna reference the telephone gangster shit, you got Young Buck, Shyne & now Q from World Star, whether these dudes is official or not doesn't matter, the point is that Curtis records himself poppin junk & then he don't come outside, with that I'm done..................ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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